Portal Connection (Lite) Workflow
OneRecord Portal Connection Workflow
The OneRecord Portal Connection Lite Workflow allows a user to request patient records with OneRecord API Integrator Services v0.1.x
To understand how to use this web component, let's first look at integrating a Workflow into a project that does not make use of a frontend framework:
Vanilla JS
// arbitraryJavaScriptFile.js
import '@onerecord/workflows/dist/OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow';
const OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow = document.querySelector('onerecord-portal-connection-lite-workflow')
// We need to set "properties" via JavaScript
// Set required getAuthorizationHeaderValue callback
OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow.getAuthorizationHeaderValue = () => YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_VALUE
// Set optional onSuccess callback
OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow.onSuccess = (data) => console.log('onSuccess: ', data)
// See "Available Attributes & Properties" for the full list of available properties.
<!-- arbitraryHTMLFile.html -->
<!-- We can set "attributes" directly in the HTML -->
<!-- See "Available Attributes & Properties" for the full list of available attributes. -->
import '@onerecord/workflows/dist/OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow';
const OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow = () => {
const element = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (elementRef.current) {
elementRef.current.getAuthorizationHeaderValue = () => YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_VALUE
}, [elementRef.current])
useEffect(() => {
element.current.onSuccess = (data) => console.log('onSuccess: ', data)
}, [element])
return (
import '@onerecord/workflows/dist/OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow';
const getAuthorizationHeaderValue = () => YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_VALUE;
const OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow = () => {
const onSuccess = (data) => console.log('onSuccess', data);
return (
prop:getAuthorizationHeaderValue={() => getAuthorizationHeaderValue()}
prop:onSuccess={() => onSuccess()}>
<script lang="ts">
import '@onerecord/workflows/dist/OneRecordPortalConnectionLiteWorkflow';
const getAuthorizationHeaderValue = () => import.meta.env.PUBLIC_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER_VALUE;
const handleOnImport = (data: any) => {
console.log('handleOnImport', data)
const handleOnSuccess = (data: any) => {
console.log('handleOnSuccess', data)
export default {
data: () => ({
apiOrigin: import.meta.env.PUBLIC_WORKFLOWS_API_ORIGIN,
props: {
code: String,
codeVerifier: String,
state: String
Available Attributes & Properties
Note that the "Required" attributes and properties are necessary for the Workflow to do anything. The Workflow will be visible without them set, but it will remain in a loading state until it times out and switches to a failure state.
Please view the integration examples above to understand how your framework of choice integrates with web components. Note that web components are a web standard so Workflows will work with any framework, even if not detailed in the integration examples.
Name | Required | Description |
api-origin | ✅ | OneRecord API origin. Limited to same-origin requests. |
code | ✅ | Unique string returned in URL search parameters. |
code-verifier | Unique string returned in URL search parameters. | |
state | ✅ | Unique string returned in URL search parameters. |
Name | Required | Default | Description |
getAuthorizationHeaderValue | ✅ | () => "" | A function that returns the appropriate Authorization header value for your authentication system |
onAuthenticationFailure | (response) => {} | When a patient records request cannot be authenticated. Returns the response. | |
onAuthenticationSuccess | (response) => {} | When a patient records request has been authenticated. Returns the response. | |
onCancel | () => {} | When a user abandons/exits the session. | |
onDiscardFailure | (organizations) => {} | When a user cannot delete patient records. Returns an array of organizations(s). | |
onDiscardSuccess | (organizations) => {} | When a uses has deleted patient records. Returns an array of organizations(s). | |
onMount | () => {} | When the workflow initializes. | |
onCleanup | () => {} | When the workflow terminates. | |
onFailure | (response) => {} | When a user cannot retrieve patient records. Returns the response. | |
onFetchFailure | (response) => {} | When a user cannot retrieve patient records. Returns the response. | |
onFetchSuccess | (resources) => {} | When a user has retrieved patient records. Returns an array of resource(s). | |
onImport | () => {} | When a user wishes to import patient records to the parent application. | |
onSuccess | (resources) => {} | When a user has retrieved patient records. Returns an array of resource(s). |
Resource type
resourceType: "string",
id: "string",
identifier: [
use: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
text: "string",
type: "string",
system: "string",
value: "string",
name: [
family: "string",
given: "string",
text: "string",
telecom: [
system: "string",
value: "string",
use: "string",
status: "string",
patient: {
reference: "string",
display: "string",
clinicalStatus: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
code: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
text: "string",
onsetDateTime: "date|string",
category: [
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
text: "string",
subject: {
reference: "string",
display: "string",
effectiveDateTime: "string",
criticality: "string",
// AllergyIntolerance resourceTypes
recorder: {
reference: "string",
display: "string",
reaction: [
manifestation: [
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
text: "string",
severity: "string",
// Condition resourceType
verificationStatus: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
// DocumentReference resourceType
type: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
text: "string",
date: "date|string",
// DiagnosticReport resourceType
issued: "string",
result: [
reference: "string",
display: "string",
// Immunization resourceType
vaccineCode: {
coding: [
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
occurrenceDateTime: "date|string",
// Overservation resourceType
valueQuantity: {
value: "number|string",
unit: "string",
code: "string",
// Procedure resourceType
preformedDateTime: "date|string",
// Patient resourceType
extension: [
url: "string",
extension: [
url: "string",
valueCoding: {
system: "string",
code: "string",
display: "string",
valueString: "string",
valueCode: "string",
active: "string",
gender: "string",
birthDate: "string",
address: [
line: [],
city: "string",
state: "string",
postalCode: "string",
country: "string",
communication: [
language: {
coding: [
display: "string"
text: "string",
name: "string",
city: "string",
state: "string",
zip: "string",
vendor: "string",
endpointStatus: "string",
disposition: "string",
dataType: "string",
derivedAuthUri: "string",
latitude: "number|string",
longitude: "number|string",
location: {
latitude: "number|string",
longitude: "number|string",
_id: "string",
parent_org: "string",
Updated 7 months ago